XLNC offers companies and organisations a sophisticated diagnostic approach which generates substantial and demand-related insights that can be used to develop highly effective leadership cultures. Scientifically founded and validated.

Leadership is a key success figure and with XLNC it is clearly measurable in organisations.

XLNC_pallows managers to obtain a valid diagnostic profile of their own ›unique‹ personality.
This profile provides comprehensive information about a manager’s own ›typical‹ behaviours and gives reasons for possible preferences for certain leadership styles that are ›naturally‹ applied.
Managers are thus given the opportunity to better understand their own (leadership) skills, and to stimulate individual and target-oriented development at a high level.

XLNC_p is a diagnostic tool that allows managers to reflect on the very essence of their personality.
Following the diagram ›from the outside in‹, the tool is characterised by four personality traits
which are each divided into several sub layers:
The outer layer shows the personality factors or preferences which are based upon the so called Big Five.
The underlying adjustable outer core layer displays the socialised, explicit or acquired values.
The solid inner core reflects the implicit, unconscious inner motivational structure of a personality.

Application Areas are:
Leadership Development, Cultural Change/ Transformation, Leadership Feedback, Executive Coaching and Team Development

“It is very meaningful to me to contribute to making the “leadership world” a little more excellent”
Cornelia Tanzer

Geschäftsführerin, XLNC Leadership GmbH