Hogan Assessments
Hogan Assessmentsrefer to a collection of various psychometric online questionnaires for recording personality traits and characteristics of intellectual performance, which can be used primarily to predict success in personal diagnostic decisions.
HOGAN is the only provider worldwide that uses three perspectives of personality to describe employees in the workplace in a very differentiated way.
HOGAN has been developed with the aim of predicting behaviour in organisations and using this information in the most practical way.
Application areas HPI
Selection: the HPI is useful for predicting success in occupations Applicants who are qualified on paper go through HPI to ensure that those with the personal qualities and qualifications required by the new position are invited to interview.
Career planning: the HPI is helpful for the management development process. It identifies a reliable, objective and comprehensive picture of a person’s strengths and weaknesses. It also provides a comprehensive assessment of normal personality.
Development planning, Coaching: By identifying personality strengths and potential weaknesses in conjunction with the work environment, important development opportunities can be defined and supportive coaching strategies can be used to achieve individual performance goals.
Promotion & Succession Planning: Promotion Succession Planning: the HPI helps identify individuals who should be given special consideration for advancement within an organization. The HPI helps identify individuals who will perform well in a particular role in the organization.
Application areas HDS
Coaching and development: The HDS provides information on aspects of interpersonal skills such as a person’s performance that require increased attention.
Selection of executives: The HDS reveals risks that can often still be well hidden in an interview. This can reduce the failure rate of managers in companies.
Effective Teamwork: The HDS provides clues as to how a person will work in a team.
Selection of safety-sensitive jobs:The HDS addresses safety-sensitive selection issues and has advantages over clinical measurement tools…. It is shorter, content of questions is more understandable and pleasant to answer, there are fewer content associations with mental illness, and the scales predict poor performance in various job domains.
Scope MVPI
Compatibility with corporate culture: the MVPI determines how well a person fits into a corporate culture.
Factors of employee motivation: From the MVPI values it can be derived which factors motivate or demotivate the person. For example, does money play a big role or is it more about power and being able to make things happen.
Career motivation:The MVPI provides clues as to what career a person should consider. For example, is it about being able to live out creativity or more about helping other people?
Shaping the leadership environment: the MVPI provides information on how a leader will influence and, if necessary, shape his or her environment on the basis of his or her values.
Leadership should be defined as the ability to build and maintain a high-performing team that bests the competition. In turn, leadership should be evaluated in terms of team performance.
Hogan Personality Inventory
The Hogan Personality Inventory
(Hogan Personality Inventory, HPI)
describes normal or positive personality qualities, how we deal with other people,
when we’re in great shape.
Whether your goal is to make the right choice of personnel or to develop stronger leaders, assessing a personality in everyday life will give you valuable insights into the way you work, lead and manage
and success of people.
Hogan Development Survey
The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describes the dark side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased stress and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations and derail people’s chances of success.
By assessing the personality of the dark side, you can identify and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem.
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory
The “Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory” (MVPI) describes the personality from within – the central goals, values, driving forces and interests that determine what we want and strive for.
By assessing values, you can understand what motivates candidates to succeed and in what type of position, job and environment they will be most productive.